Monday, August 13, 2012

My Inner Pioneer

Okay...... so if you know me at all, you know that I am completely obsessed with the Pioneer Woman! Her show on Food Network, her cookbooks, her website! So why not blog about it, right? I think this is probably for my own amusement, but that's ok, I'm fine with it! :)
I guess I'm a little obsessed with cooking in general, but trust me, if you haven't discovered Pioneer Woman as one of your favorite chefs, you and your man are missing out!

So over the next couple of months or longer, I am going to blog about my cooking exploits and see if I can find my own inner pioneer woman ;)

Tonights dinner - Fried Chicken Tacos (I'll post about how yummy tomorrow :))


1 comment:

  1. A side note........I ended up eating my Vegan pizza last night! LOL
    So sorry... my inner pioneer will have to wait :)
