“We speak of the power and influence of habits and often excuse sinners because
they are the victims of bad habits. I would like to say to you that good habits
are just as powerful to control the actions of men and women as are evil habits.
Oh, that men and women would learn in youth to serve the Lord and to establish
good habits, virtuous thinking, righteous acting, honesty and integrity! If they
did this, when they came to the time of their strength and power, instead of
using the major part of their strength to correct the evils of youth, instead of
battling to conquer that which ought never to have come into their lives, they
would use that strength in going forward to “build more stately mansions, oh my
soul!” Men and women do not go far wrong in an instant. It is by slow degrees,
step by step. It is a blessing that it is not with rapidity that men can depart
from the path of virtue to become immoral.” -- Melvin J. Ballard
website day four and five as catch up days. These two days should be used as days to just focus on all the previous tasks up to this point.
- check in with your buddy
- drink the lemon water and milk
- read your affirmation statement
- spend some time in your prayer journal
- spend some time in meaningful prayer
The only one thing that she wants to add for Day Four is something quite fun! Turn on some upbeat music at some point in the day & dance for 10 minutes straight! What a mood lifter!! I love music and dancing around the house just for no reason at all, so this task will be super simple for me!
So far things are going well! I do feel like I am creating good habits and I'm having a really amazing time blogging about it!
Loving my life!!
Penny :)
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