Thursday, August 9, 2012

30 Day Metamorphosis

"A year from now you will wish you had started today."  -- Karen Lamb

I came across a very interesting idea the other day from the website --- to take a 30 Day challenge to make small changes everyday to gain a more balanced life. Wouldn't we all want to be more balanced in life? Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk at the October 2010 General Conference called "Of Things That Matter Most", where he focused on getting back to the basics of what matter most in "four key relationships; with our God, with our families, with our fellowman, and with ourselves".  If you haven't read this, I highly recommend it, and this talk along with others was the whole basis of the 30 day challenge that I found from this amazing LDS woman/blogger. Her 30 day challenge is actually something that was done back in February, but I will be doing the challenges that she has laid out, along with some of my own, taking one day at a time, in order to create new habits in my own life.  Through this process I hope to gain wisdom, strength and greater balance in my everyday existence.  If you haven't seen or heard of this website, check it out.  Even if you don't do everything that she did, there is no way that you can't come away with some amazing ideas. Also I am a sucker for a good planner and she has one on her website that is simply extrodinary and is christian based and centered specifically around balancing the areas that are so important in life that Brother Uchtdorf talked about.

Okay so on to the challenge (the prework): Ponder these questions:
  • Why is this important to me? I believe that doing this challenge will greatly improve my life and what I get out of it. I'm tired of having my everyday be the same oh same oh, I want to live purposely!!
  • Why should I take the time? By taking the time, I will reinforce my new habits that I am trying to develop --> which will replace old habits that are either unhealthy or unproductive.
  • Why now and not later? I can't afford to wait!! I need more healthy, spiritual and balanced habits. 
  • Why will this help me? Through this process it will help me push out the old and bring in the new, to create a more fulfilling, purposeful life.
  • Why should I not give up? It will be an amazing journey of self discovery and the end results will be worth it!! Giving up is not an option.....

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