Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lesson #29 - Paying Tithing with the Right Attitude

I'm starting a series of blog posts about our Sunday School class lessons.  I enjoy teaching this class and it definetely has been a blessing in my life and I think that putting my thoughts here will allow me to be more prepared when actually teaching. :)

This weeks lesson is on Paying Tithing with the Right Attitude.
  • The actual lesson  from lesson #29
  • An object lesson that I found paying full tithing
  • What the Strength of Youth says about tithing from tithes and offerings
  • (Handout idea) Crunch Candy Bar with the following thought attached: "Always pay your tithing first to avoid a money CRUNCH! We pay our tithing with faith, not money." (Credit: Homemaking Cottage)


  1. Love the hand out thanks just what I needed for my lesson Sunday!

  2. Great idea. It's what I'm looking for as my handout tomorrow. However, what size is the candy bar? Thanks!

  3. Great idea. It's what I'm looking for as my handout tomorrow. However, what size is the candy bar? Thanks!
