Monday, August 13, 2012

Day One

"As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life & create something of beauty & helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I had a really interesting conversation with one of my good friends and also sister in-law Lindsay  this weekend about our obsession with starting new things! :) Yes, we both are very very good at starting new things.  We buy all the right food, clothes, pens, paper etc.  Whatever is required, we do it............ The problem comes in when we have to stick to something long enough for it to really work! Now don't get me wrong, she has stuck to things before, like running, and it worked beautifully for her, and I also have stuck to things in the past, but for some reason lately.................not so much!

So here is where we flip the switch!!!

I believe whole heartily that this 30 day challenge is different because it focuses on the inside out! It focuses on being balanced in all the areas of your life and I think that this is where I have gone wrong in the past! I have focused just on one thing, like eating, or working out, or scripture study.......but really I needed to start with my inner self and then work from there!

Day one to do list from Crystal's website is to:
  • Complete the Prework tasks
  • Download the Affirmation statement and begin reading it once in the morning and once at night to yourself in the mirror

My morning routing: (of just the things that Crystal has covered up to this point)
  • Buddy wake up call - check (even though she was already up for probably an hour :) lol)
  • Warm lemon water - check (interesting, I felt VERY tired when I got up, but felt extremely alert after drinking the water!!)
  • Read affirmation statement - check (I can honestly say that reading this to myself in the mirror made me feel silly! But I can also say, by the end of the affirmation statement however, I felt POWERFUL!)
  • Prayer
  • Now on to my "to do" list - some scripture study, laundry and whatever else I can get into :)

Loving my life!
Penny :)

1 comment:

  1. I felt kinda silly myself! It was pretty nice to remind myself, though, what qualities were truly important. I also wrote that little letter to Dallin and he really liked it and took it to his room. I didn't drink the drink though. I forgot about it. I will have to do the milk tonight. We'll talk tonight! =)
