Okay, so I am a total crazy person when it comes to organization, specifically planners that keeps you on track! So when I saw a pin on pinterest that read "A crazy person's planner", I knew it was most likely for me! LOL
I went to the website and sure enough.................THIS PLANNER IS KILLER!!
Most planners focus on a monthly, weekly and daily schedules, but ends there. This planner focuses on YOU and helps to guide you to be better inside and out! I feel like I should be a spokesperson for this, I love it that much!! Also it has some really amazing uplifting quotes mixed in that you can print and post in your planner!
The planner is broken into
Six Areas:
- Time Management
- Personal Development
- Daily Inspiration
- Health & Nutrition
- Money Management
- Calendars
Time Management is broken up into several areas:
I love the 15 minute blocker of time sheet!
The green sheets are my own creation. I like to split the house up into Zones, to make sure that each area gets a deep clean often.
Ten Zones:
Living/Dining Room/Hall
Laundry Room
Guest Bedroom
Hall Bathroom
Madison's Bedroom
Master Bedroom and Bathroom
Front Yard
Side Yard
Back Yard and Pool
Personal Development is broken up into several areas:
- 30 Day challenge (I have a whole post chain to learn more about that if you're interested)
- Daily affirmation
- Weekly reward chart for the kids
- Balance check
- Prayer journal
Daily Inspiration is mostly journaling, but a few of the pages are:
- Thoughts & Impressions
- Inspiration pages, like quotes, books, websites, stories etc.
- I also have specific talks or other things printed out that I like to keep in this section.
Health & Nutrition
- Weekly meal planner
- Exercise schedule
- I also keep a copy of my monthly menu and grocery list
I haven't used the weekly meal planner page yet, instead I'm sticking with my old way right now. I plan out my entire month and post on the fridge and then make a copy for my planner. It's written in dry eraser, so that it can be adjusted, but I like this method best because everyone knows what's for dinner and I can better plan my grocery lists.
Sadly, I haven't used the Weekly exercise schedule page yet, but I will use it at some point! ha
I haven't really used the Money Management pages as of yet, I use Quicken and that works well for us.
I think from this post, you will definitely see that I must be nuts, but it totally works for me :)
By the way if you want it, you can get it over at
http://www.crystalwilkerson.com/2012planner, its a download, so you can print it right at home, and a portion of the money goes to a family who is battling brain cancer. Anyway enough about that, I'm not getting paid or anything, I just absolutely love it and wanted to shouted it out to the world! LOL
Penny :)