Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day Fourteen and Fifteen

This week is all about strengthening those 4 key areas with: Heavenly Father, Family, Fellowman, and Yourself.

Day Fourteen - all about the relationship between you and your Heavenly Father. The website talks about how many blessings we can recieve by strengthening our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
  • stability
  • peace and joy
  • greater power to resist temptation
Day Fifteen - all about the relationship between you and your Family. There are many blessings we can recieve by strengthening our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
  • our children will feel safe and be more likely to open up
  • we will experience greater joy

A gratitude journal can really help with these areas, because as you write down what you are grateful for, you are more likely also to share and/or appreciate in your actions.

Penny :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day Seven thru Thirteen

Okay, so I went on vacation and didn't have my computer, so I haven't posted since last week :(
I feel like the challenge is going really well for me.  I am at a point now that I want to begin exercising and some of the women in my ward also feel the same way.  Several of them will be doing a 15k run in February and I have committed to join them.  I have tried this before with the Portland Marathon, but I let circumstances and excuses get in the way, but I am confident that this one will be different!

Day 7 - 11 can all be found at this link if you want to check it out.

Day 7  - focus on a victory that you had doing the challenge to this point
Day 8 - Take a look at the Stretch routines - Morning routine and Nighttime routine and start doing them
Day 9 - keep a notebook by your bed and start writing down the first thing that comes in your mind in the morning.  Crystal says by being conscience of our thoughts we can start to change them.
Day 10 - rekindle your desire to improve your life!
Day 11 - 4 minute interval workout video that promises to burn as many calories as a 40-60 minute run. ;)
Day 12 - read and write in your prayer journal and reflect on how blessed you are
Day 13 - check out the talk "Of Things That Matter Most". The talk forcuses on four areas that matter the most.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Most AMAZING planner ever!!

Okay, so I am a total crazy person when it comes to organization, specifically planners that keeps you on track! So when I saw a pin on pinterest that read "A crazy person's planner", I knew it was most likely for me! LOL

I went to the website and sure enough.................THIS PLANNER IS KILLER!!
Most planners focus on a monthly, weekly and daily schedules, but ends there.  This planner focuses on YOU and helps to guide you to be better inside and out! I feel like I should be a spokesperson for this, I love it that much!! Also it has some really amazing uplifting quotes mixed in that you can print and post in your planner!

The planner is broken into Six Areas:
  1. Time Management
  2. Personal Development
  3. Daily Inspiration
  4. Health & Nutrition
  5. Money Management
  6. Calendars

Time Management is broken up into several areas:
  • 15 minute blocker
  •  to do master list
  • projects
  • 10 minute timer
  • 1 hour timer
  • staying on top of the house

I love the 15 minute blocker of time sheet! 

The green sheets are my own creation.  I like to split the house up into Zones, to make sure that each area gets a deep clean often.

Ten Zones:

  1. Living/Dining Room/Hall
  2. Kitchen
  3. Laundry Room
  4. Guest Bedroom
  5. Hall Bathroom
  6. Madison's Bedroom
  7. Master Bedroom and Bathroom
  8. Front Yard
  9. Side Yard
  10. Back Yard and Pool

Personal Development is broken up into several areas:
  • 30 Day challenge (I have a whole post chain to learn more about that if you're interested)
  • Daily affirmation
  • Weekly reward chart for the kids
  • Balance check
  • Prayer journal

Daily Inspiration is mostly journaling, but a few of the pages are:
  • Thoughts & Impressions
  • Inspiration pages, like quotes, books, websites, stories etc.
  • I also have specific talks or other things printed out that I like to keep in this section.

Health & Nutrition
  • Weekly meal planner
  • Exercise schedule
  • I also keep a copy of my monthly menu and grocery list

I haven't used the weekly meal planner page yet, instead I'm sticking with my old way right now. I plan out my entire month and post on the fridge and then make a copy for my planner. It's written in dry eraser, so that it can be adjusted, but I like this method best because everyone knows what's for dinner and I can better plan my grocery lists.

Sadly, I haven't used the Weekly exercise schedule page yet, but I will use it at some point! ha

I haven't really used the Money Management pages as of yet, I use Quicken and that works well for us.

I think from this post, you will definitely see that I must be nuts, but it totally works for me :)

By the way if you want it, you can get it over at, its a download, so you can print it right at home, and a portion of the money goes to a family who is battling brain cancer. Anyway enough about that, I'm not getting paid or anything, I just absolutely love it and wanted to shouted it out to the world! LOL

Penny :)

Day Six

"We must not lose hope. Hope is an anchor to the souls of men. Satan would have us cast away that anchor. In this way he can bring discouragement and surrender. But we must not lose hope. The Lord is pleased with every effort, even the tiny, daily ones in which we strive to be more like Him. Though we may see that we have far to go on the road to perfection, we must not give up hope."--Ezra Taft Benson, "A Mighty Change of Heart," Ensign, Oct. 1989

Day six from Crystal's website doesn't add anything new to the 30 day challenge, just to keep on keeping on!

Just to recap what we are doing up to this point:
  • Check in with your buddy, morning and night
  • Drink the warm lemon water and milk (if you want)
  • Read you affirmation statement, morning and night
  • Do your breathing exercises
  • Spend some time in your prayer journal and in thoughtful prayer
  • Spend some time writing in a gratitude journal
  • Take 10 minutes to just throw on some music and dance (what a mood lifter)

Everyday I am feeling more renewed. I am about to start exercising again! Well I will most likely do Zumba, because it is soooooo much fun! And I may do some walking, we will see! :)

Loving my life!
Penny :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day Six postponed :)

Okay so it seems I started on the wrong day of the week so in order to get back on track, day six will not be until Monday :) The reason? The 30 day challenge has the weekends as more of a catchup, so I need to get on track with that :)
See ya then!!

Penny :)

Lesson #29 - Paying Tithing with the Right Attitude

I'm starting a series of blog posts about our Sunday School class lessons.  I enjoy teaching this class and it definetely has been a blessing in my life and I think that putting my thoughts here will allow me to be more prepared when actually teaching. :)

This weeks lesson is on Paying Tithing with the Right Attitude.
  • The actual lesson  from lesson #29
  • An object lesson that I found paying full tithing
  • What the Strength of Youth says about tithing from tithes and offerings
  • (Handout idea) Crunch Candy Bar with the following thought attached: "Always pay your tithing first to avoid a money CRUNCH! We pay our tithing with faith, not money." (Credit: Homemaking Cottage)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day Five

"That which we persist in doing becomes easier. Not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to perform it increases." -- Heber J. Grant

Day Five from Crystal's website is just like day four.  Continue with the previous tasks.  The key to this 30 day challenge is consistency! By being consistent, you will help create good habits. She does say for today to focus on renewing yourself spiritually. She says to start to include this challenge in your prayers, especially if you are struggling. Pray for others that may be doing the challenge as well!

Penny :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day Four

“We speak of the power and influence of habits and often excuse sinners because they are the victims of bad habits. I would like to say to you that good habits are just as powerful to control the actions of men and women as are evil habits. Oh, that men and women would learn in youth to serve the Lord and to establish good habits, virtuous thinking, righteous acting, honesty and integrity! If they did this, when they came to the time of their strength and power, instead of using the major part of their strength to correct the evils of youth, instead of battling to conquer that which ought never to have come into their lives, they would use that strength in going forward to “build more stately mansions, oh my soul!” Men and women do not go far wrong in an instant. It is by slow degrees, step by step. It is a blessing that it is not with rapidity that men can depart from the path of virtue to become immoral.” -- Melvin J. Ballard

Crystal's website day four and five as catch up days.  These two days should be used as days to just focus on all the previous tasks up to this point.
  • check in with your buddy
  • drink the lemon water and milk
  • read your affirmation statement
  • spend some time in your prayer journal
  • spend some time in meaningful prayer

The only one thing that she wants to add for Day Four is something quite fun! Turn on some upbeat music at some point in the day & dance for 10 minutes straight! What a mood lifter!! I love music and dancing around the house just for no reason at all, so this task will be super simple for me!

So far things are going well! I do feel like I am creating good habits and I'm having a really amazing time blogging about it!

Loving my life!!

Penny :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day Three

"Self-discipline requires you to connect today's actions to tomorrow's results." -- Gary Ryan Blair

Day three from Crystal's website is all about breathing! The task for today is to continue with everything up to this point, but also print out the PDF for the breathing exercises and try them out.

download PDF

Penny :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day Two

"No earthly authority can separate us from direct access to our Creator. There can never be a mechanical or electronic failure when we pray. There is no limit on the number of times or how long we can pray each day. There is no quota of how many needs we wish to pray for in each prayer. We do not need to go through secretaries or make an appointment to reach the throne of grace. He is reachable at any time and any place."--James E. Faust, "The Lifeline of Prayer," Ensign, May 2002

I can honestly and humbly say that this is an area that I struggle with the most.  I was taught as a child to be extremely independant and solve my own problems. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am taught to give it over to Heavenly Father.  Not that you don't have to take care of business and do for yourself  BUT................we should seek guidance from our Heavenly Father always and in all things.

Day two from Crystal's website is all about the Prayer Journal!

Her download for the prayer journal fits right into my little planner and I love it! The idea is to focus on things throughout the day and write them down on the sheet so that you can have more direct meaningful prayers.  I need this!

A little note: day one, last night went really well! I completed my 30 minute close out of the day, drank my warm milk, my buddy called me, I said my affirmation and prayers! Looking pretty positive so far :)

Penny :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Inner Pioneer

Okay...... so if you know me at all, you know that I am completely obsessed with the Pioneer Woman! Her show on Food Network, her cookbooks, her website! So why not blog about it, right? I think this is probably for my own amusement, but that's ok, I'm fine with it! :)
I guess I'm a little obsessed with cooking in general, but trust me, if you haven't discovered Pioneer Woman as one of your favorite chefs, you and your man are missing out!

So over the next couple of months or longer, I am going to blog about my cooking exploits and see if I can find my own inner pioneer woman ;)

Tonights dinner - Fried Chicken Tacos (I'll post about how yummy tomorrow :))


Day One

"As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life & create something of beauty & helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I had a really interesting conversation with one of my good friends and also sister in-law Lindsay  this weekend about our obsession with starting new things! :) Yes, we both are very very good at starting new things.  We buy all the right food, clothes, pens, paper etc.  Whatever is required, we do it............ The problem comes in when we have to stick to something long enough for it to really work! Now don't get me wrong, she has stuck to things before, like running, and it worked beautifully for her, and I also have stuck to things in the past, but for some reason lately.................not so much!

So here is where we flip the switch!!!

I believe whole heartily that this 30 day challenge is different because it focuses on the inside out! It focuses on being balanced in all the areas of your life and I think that this is where I have gone wrong in the past! I have focused just on one thing, like eating, or working out, or scripture study.......but really I needed to start with my inner self and then work from there!

Day one to do list from Crystal's website is to:
  • Complete the Prework tasks
  • Download the Affirmation statement and begin reading it once in the morning and once at night to yourself in the mirror

My morning routing: (of just the things that Crystal has covered up to this point)
  • Buddy wake up call - check (even though she was already up for probably an hour :) lol)
  • Warm lemon water - check (interesting, I felt VERY tired when I got up, but felt extremely alert after drinking the water!!)
  • Read affirmation statement - check (I can honestly say that reading this to myself in the mirror made me feel silly! But I can also say, by the end of the affirmation statement however, I felt POWERFUL!)
  • Prayer
  • Now on to my "to do" list - some scripture study, laundry and whatever else I can get into :)

Loving my life!
Penny :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

final prework :)

"The Word of Wisdom does not promise you perfect health, but it teaches how to keep the body you were born with in the best condition and your mind alert to delicate spiritual promptings."
--President Boyd K. Packer; Ensign, May 1996, Page 18

Today's final prework from Crystals website is about specific drinks that she has found very helpful in her life, warm lemon water in the morning and warm milk or almond milk at night, both with a little honey and a pinch of cinnamon. She goes through the benefits of each one of these items on her website and I'm very excited and curious to see these benefits for myself.

Tomorrow will be the beginning of the 30 Day Challenge for me!!! I'm ready and willing to see new habits begin!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

continued prework...

"To the soul there is hardly anything more healing than friendship." -- Thomas Moore

Todays prework challenge from Crystal is Buddy Wake-up and Check-in Calls

Isn't having a buddy so important anyway? Having someone that will support you in all that you do is critical to being successful in life and in this challenge. I specifically picked my buddy as my husband because in life he is my rock in all things. I know that I can always count on him to be supportive and honest, and to help me stay on my chosen path :)  Now our "buddy call" will be in person, but other than that, I will be following exactly what the challenge requires.

I'm getting SUPER EXCITED about the challenge actually beginning! Only one more day of prework and then my challenge begins!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Some more prework

The theme of the 30 Day Challenge is "Early To Bed, Early To Rise, Makes A Man Healthly, Wealthy and Wise", which if you so choose.................will help you begin and end your day feeling completely balanced.  I LOVE the idea of that!!  I know I've heard that quote before, but for some reason today it means more to me than it ever has before!
The tasks for today are to print out the PDF file from her website and choose your "wake-up" time for the 30 day challenge. She would also like for you to find a friend to do this with. <--more on that tomorrow.

I've printed out the PDF and put it in my planner. My wake-up time will be 5am. Right now it is summer, but 5am is perfect for once school starts again for the kids, so this will need to be my wake up time for starting the challenge.  I don't want to have to get used to 2 different times! I envision this being painful at first, but we will see. :)

Over the next couple of days I will focus on the specific purposes of each one of the items in detail from her website.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

30 Day Metamorphosis

"A year from now you will wish you had started today."  -- Karen Lamb

I came across a very interesting idea the other day from the website --- to take a 30 Day challenge to make small changes everyday to gain a more balanced life. Wouldn't we all want to be more balanced in life? Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk at the October 2010 General Conference called "Of Things That Matter Most", where he focused on getting back to the basics of what matter most in "four key relationships; with our God, with our families, with our fellowman, and with ourselves".  If you haven't read this, I highly recommend it, and this talk along with others was the whole basis of the 30 day challenge that I found from this amazing LDS woman/blogger. Her 30 day challenge is actually something that was done back in February, but I will be doing the challenges that she has laid out, along with some of my own, taking one day at a time, in order to create new habits in my own life.  Through this process I hope to gain wisdom, strength and greater balance in my everyday existence.  If you haven't seen or heard of this website, check it out.  Even if you don't do everything that she did, there is no way that you can't come away with some amazing ideas. Also I am a sucker for a good planner and she has one on her website that is simply extrodinary and is christian based and centered specifically around balancing the areas that are so important in life that Brother Uchtdorf talked about.

Okay so on to the challenge (the prework): Ponder these questions:
  • Why is this important to me? I believe that doing this challenge will greatly improve my life and what I get out of it. I'm tired of having my everyday be the same oh same oh, I want to live purposely!!
  • Why should I take the time? By taking the time, I will reinforce my new habits that I am trying to develop --> which will replace old habits that are either unhealthy or unproductive.
  • Why now and not later? I can't afford to wait!! I need more healthy, spiritual and balanced habits. 
  • Why will this help me? Through this process it will help me push out the old and bring in the new, to create a more fulfilling, purposeful life.
  • Why should I not give up? It will be an amazing journey of self discovery and the end results will be worth it!! Giving up is not an option.....